Sunday, July 28, 2024

Why Does My Project Need a Steering Committee?

Why My Your Project Need a Steering Committee?

"Why does my project need a Steering Committee?

This question I get asked by senior executives more often than I would like. 

A Steering Committee (StC) is an essential element of any large transformation project organisation. 

Here are my top 10 reasons why.

1) Strategic Direction and Oversight: Your StC provides strategic guidance and oversight for projects or organisational initiatives, ensuring alignment with broader goals and objectives.

2) Decision-Making Authority: Your StC has the authority to make critical decisions that significantly impact the direction and success of your project. This includes approving budgets, resources, and major changes. 

3) Accountability: Your StC provides a structured governance framework that ensures accountability. Your StC monitors progress, sets performance metrics, and holds the project team accountable for meeting their objectives.

4) Risk Management: Your StC helps identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. Your StC’s oversight ensures that risks are managed proactively and that the project remains on track.

5) Resource Allocation: Your StC ensures that resources (financial, human, and technological) are allocated efficiently and effectively, prioritising initiatives that provide the most value to the organisation.

6) Stakeholder Representation and Engagement: Your StC includes representatives from various stakeholder groups, ensuring that diverse perspectives and interests are considered in decision-making processes. Your StC members engage with other senior level stakeholders to remove barriers and get necessary support. 

7) Change Management: Your StC plays a crucial role in managing change, helping to navigate the complexities of organisational transitions and ensuring that changes are implemented smoothly.

8) Conflict Resolution: Your StC acts as an arbitrator for resolving conflicts and differences that arise during a project. Your StC’s authority and strategic perspective enable them to mediate effectively.

9) Policy and Compliance: Your StC ensures that projects comply with organisational policies, industry standards, and regulatory requirements, thereby safeguarding the organisation from legal and reputational risks.

10) Facilitating Communication: Your StC facilitates communication between the project team and senior management, ensuring that critical information flows effectively and decisions are well-informed.

The importance of a StC lies in its ability to provide structured governance, strategic oversight, and effective decision-making, all of which are crucial for the successful delivery and alignment of the project with organisational goals.

If you read this and think “My project has a StC, but it is not even coming close to doing all of this.” or “Damn, we have been doing it completely wrong.”, then have a look at my executive crash course on how to navigate large and complex transformation programs.

(Non)-Executive Crash Course - How to navigate large and complex transformation projects

Posted on Sunday, July 28, 2024 by Henrico Dolfing