Technology Vision Definition - (Non)-Executive Workshop

Understanding the current technological landscape and its associated opportunities, challenges, and risks is now essential for both executive and non-executive board members. 

Equally important is staying informed about governance issues related to these technologies, including regulatory challenges and potential pitfalls. 

There is now way around it anymore, in order to set the company's vision and strategy, the board must understand how technology impacts the business and its future value creation.

In this half day workshop I will guide you and your board through the process of understanding and formulating a vision for a technology of your choice. 

Currently most of my clients choose AI as their technology of choice. But I have done workshops for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Robotics, Internet of Things,  Edge Computing, Cyber Security, and Blockchain as well.

We will define your companies specific opportunities, challenges, and risks for the technology of your choice. To make sure everybody is one the same page I will start with a short introductory training on the technology. 

If you are not sure which technologies are relevant for your company I would advise to go through my (Non)-Executive Crash Course - Technology Trends Shaping Our Future first. Some clients have combined this training and the workshop in a single day. If you would like to do the same I will offer a 30% discount on both.

Typical Clients

Clients that have bought this workshop are:

> C-level executives, partners at a professional service firm, and board members in the role of setting vision and strategy for a company.


Participate in this workshop should your whole board. This can be your supervisory board or your executive board. Depending on who has the task to set a vision and strategy.


Each participant in the workshop should:

> Prepare the workshop by defining the biggest opportunities, challenges, and risks you see for the technology of your choice.  
> Actively participate during the ½ day workshop. 

Client Outcome

The output we will create during the workshop:

> A clear vision for your company when it comes to the technology of your choice.
> A list with business opportunities by leveraging the technology of your choice.
> A list of challenges and ways to address these.
> A list of risks and ways to mitigate or reduce these.

Based on this output your board will be able to decide how this technology will be part (or not) of your company's strategy. This is the outcome we will work towards to. 

Your Facilitator

Why would you as a C-level executive, partner of a professional service firm, or board member work with me?

> I have been a C-level executive myself at one of the Big 4 with responsibility for an annual budget of 30 mUSD and 80 FTE. Currently I am a non-executive board member at three companies. So I understand your role and responsibilities from experience.

> I have more than 20 years of experience in the financial and professional service industry.

> I have worked with your peers at companies like PwC, KPMG, Zurich Insurance, Bank Julius Bär, Helsana, Swiss Life, and Swisscard.

> I have been project sponsor, project manager, or steering committee member on dozens of large and complex technology transformation programs with budget responsibility up to 20 mUSD and more than 100 people working on a single project.

> I have delivered more than 250 mUSD in business value in these roles.

> I am an active angel investor investing in technology companies and have done multiple technology trainings for Business Angels Switzerland and professional investment firms to help investors make better decisions when it comes to technology startups.


Delivery will start with a one hour discovery call. Here I will learn about your company and your technology of choice so I can optimally prepare for the workshop.

In this call we will also set the date for the workshop. A Technology Vision Definition workshop can usually be organized within 2-3 weeks, depending on the time of year.

For the workshop I will come to your office. Ideally you and the rest of the team are there as well. We can also agree on an offsite location.

We will need a block of 4 hours for the workshop. For example 8:00 - 12:00 or 13:00 - 17:00.

If you want to save on the travel costs I can deliver this workshop online as well, but you will miss out on the team building effect this workshop can have. Especially if you combine it with lunch or dinner with all participants.


CHF/USD/EUR 2900,- excluding VAT and business class travel costs. 

Within Switzerland I charge a fixed price of CHF 500,- for travel expenses, for all other countries I charge at cost.
Note: some clients combine this workshop with my (Non)-Executive Crash Course - Technology Trends Shaping Our Future and make a full day experience out of it. You will get a 30% discount on both the training and the workshop if you do so.


Thank you for considering booking me for this workshop. If you have made up your mind you can book your workshop directly here

If you still have questions, just contact me. I will get back to you right away.